Charlotte Lord, a widow in her early forties and owner of Manhattan's *artest modiste shop, is about to marry Guy Barton, a wealthy busines*an. The marriage has the full approval of Charlotte's three daughters, Jane, Marilyn and Leni, and their two girl friends, Lois and Mary Wilson. But Mexican divorces h*e been declared illegal, so Guy is still married to Sybil Barton, an unscrupulous gold-digger who left him twelve years earlier. She demands that Guy give her $250,000 for his freedom. The Lord girls plot with the Wilson girls and their older brother, Steve, with whom Jane Lord is in love. They want to h*e Sybil declared incompetent, so that Guy will h*e grounds for an American divorce. All of their schemes fail and the girls decide that the only thing that will divert Sybil from her extortion purpose is to h*e her become involved with a man even richer than Guy. To this end they invent a fictitious Argentine, name him "Don Pablo" after a name they see on a cigar wrapper. They inveigle Steve Wilson to impersonate this South American millionaire who is to sweep Sybil off her feet. Later, a Buenos Aires millionaire named Don Pablo is greatly surprised when he reads in a news* that Guy Barton is suing his wife Sybil for divorce, and naming him co-respondent. He decides to fly to New York and check this out.