电影 穆克吉先生的妻子 的评分为3.0分,共有47人参与。Mukherjee Dar Bou is a story based on a modern dysfunctional family revolving around the complex and intricate yet caring relationship of a mother-in-law and daughter-in-law. The story revolves around a Bengali home maker whose name is not known m.dianshiyu.*om till the end of the film, and who is mostly referred as "Mukherjee Dar Bou". Mukherjee Dar Bou (Aditi) is married for more than ten years and has a daughter of six years old . Aditi's married life was usual but it takes a turn when her father-in-law passes away.电影 穆克吉先生的妻子 豆瓣评分(8.0)