电影 爸爸拍的那些肮脏电影 的评分为1.0分,共有41人参与。Long eclipsed by the inimitable ineptitude of frequent collaborator Ed Wood, Bulgarian-born director Stephen Apostolof posthumously gets some of the attention he cr*ed in docu *Dad Made Dirty Movies.* Helmer Jordan Todorov mixes family reminiscences with an exploration of Apostolof*s career as a nudie-cutie director, launched in 1965 with the Wood-penned *Orgy of the Dead* and effectively killed with the a*ent of 1972 ** pic *Deep Throat* and homevid. Though barely an hour long, this entertaining nonfiction item is a shoo-in for midnight screenings, especially if followed by *Orgy,* as it was at the recent Transylvania Fest.A man of many contradictions, Apostolof (often credited as the less foreign-sounding A.C. Stephens) fled munist Bulgaria in the 1940s and came to Hollywood via France and Canada. Republic Pictures* 1957 anti-munist propaganda film *Journey to Freedom,* helmed by Robert C. Dertano, not only marked Apostolof*s first foray into cinema (as a screenwriter and producer) but is also, supposedly, an autobiographical account of his escape from the Reds.As Todorov makes clear early on, many the details of Apostolof*s early life are unclear: Was he a dentist or a farmer in Ottowa? Did he study political science at the Sorbonne, or did he join the Foreign Legion? The late director*s third wife, Shelley Apostolof, and his children, who are all interviewed here, seem not entirely sure, either, which only adds to the story*s charm.In imitation of Apostolof*s films, the docu features a narrator, D.T. Anderson, who here gives (he*ily accented) voice to Apostolof*s thoughts and memories from beyond the gr*e. Period photos, digitally enhanced to introduce some moving elements, illustrate some of these memories, while excerpts from his low-budget and mostly artless films are sprinkled throughout.Rightfully, the main focus is on Apostolof*s directorial debut and breakthrough, *Orgy of the Dead.* Adapted by Wood from his own novel and starring the psychic Criswell from Wood*s *Plan 9 From Outer Space,* pic repped the first of a staggering nine Wood screenplays Apostolof brought to the screen. *Orgy* had about 20 pages of c, a cemetery set they could use and *no ideas,* so Apostolof hired strippers from Los Angeles to fill in the gaps with topless dancing. In her hilarious interview segment, Nadejda Dobrev, who played *Sl*e Dance Girl,* not only recalls her participation in the film but even repeats some of the nonsensical things she had to do.Apostolof*s other works, including *The Bachelor*s Dreams,* *Lady Godiva Rides,* *College Girls* and the helmer*s only attempt at a mainstream film, 1978*s *Hot Ice,* are treated more summarily, not only because they failed to live up to the relative success of *Orgy,* but also to give Todorov some room to sketch a portrait of the man behind the camera. Though he directed many **ploitation films and famously referred to breasts as *ticket sellers,* Apostolof was also a protective family man who was very active in Los Angeles* Orthodox munity and, after the release of *Deep Throat,* refused to do ** ** films.Pic ends on a somewhat wistful note, though elsewhere, Todorov keeps the tone generally upbeat, funny and interesting, with a good eye and ear for the times.电影 爸爸拍的那些肮脏电影 豆瓣评分(8.0)