动漫 你我他跟她的六色彩虹 的评分为8.0分,共有11人参与。2008安鍚國際動畫節特別放映Special screening in Annecy Animation Film Festival 2008六部風趣、惹笑、感人而又富寓意的動畫。《瞎子的第三個願望》:盲眼女孩在15歲時許的願,誰知道,仙女到了她28歲時才到來為她實現;《割皮情意結》:一個對男子氣概有一種「情意結」的父親,打算迫兒子去作割包皮手術;《寶寶出生了》:一個在職女子有了身孕,她既不想為丈夫和母親帶來負擔,又要應付上司那無理的壓力;《聖誕真快樂》:百貨公司招聘聖誕老人,五個真正的聖誕老人齊齊來應徵,他們各人的身材高矮肥瘦樣樣有,但是職位只有一個;《閃閃閃吧》:Eun-jin長得皮膚白淨,她的媽媽卻原來是菲律賓藉。學校即將舉行家長會,Eun-jin會怎麼辦?《*志的謊言》:男*志J和其他四位好朋友,面對著社會及家人的壓力,他們以不同的方式,製造不同的謊話過活著。*If You Were Me: Anima Vision 2* is a feature-length omnibus animation comprised of 6 short films about human rights issues. Each short covers a variety of topics; *The Third Wish* (dir. Ann Dong-hee, Ryu Jung-oo) is about a visually impaired person; *Peeling* (dir. Hong Deok-pyo) deals with men’s complexes becoming great in society; *Baby* (dir. Lee Hong-soo, Lee Hong-min) talks about a working mother’s difficulty of bringing up a child; *Merry Gola**as* (dir. Jung Min-young) brings out different types of widespread discrimination; *Shine Shine Shining* (dir. Gwon Mi-jeong) speaks out about the issue related to migrant women by an international marriage; lastly, *Lies* (dir. Park Yong-jae) deals with a homo**ual who is pushed by his parents to marry a woman.文字來源:第四屆InDPanda國際短片節Texto: 4°Festival Internacional de Curtas Metragens InD PandaText: The 4th InDPanda International Short Film Festival动漫 你我他跟她的六色彩虹 豆瓣评分(8.0)