电视剧 犯罪现场:森林王者 的评分为4.0分,共有28人参与。The student Jessi (18) has a date. But not in the disco, she goes to the nearby forest on the outskirts. A short time later she is dead. First, a carbon arrow hits her in the thigh, then a knife stab straight into the heart. When a jogger found the body the next day, it showed, among other things, bite marks and a twig in its mouth. The Saarland team of investigators around the chief inspectors Leo Hölzer and Adam Schürk is faced with a riddle, because the branch in the mouth indicates an old hunter's custom. Is it a ritual crime? First of all, the commissioners investigate the victim's school environment and question teachers and clas*ates. Because from Jessi's diary it emerges: She had a secret love. On the other hand, there were also plenty of spurned lovers. And suddenly Adam's father also appears on the scene: Roland Schürk, who woke up from a 15-year-old coma towards the end of the first episode ("Das industrious Lieschen"), claims to know who the perpetrator is. Meanwhile, another lead leads the chief inspectors Esther Baumann and Pia Heinrich to France. Together the team comes closer to a solution.电视剧 犯罪现场:森林王者 豆瓣评分(8.0)