Ian Cheng 的《失去BOB后的人生》是一部由Unity制作的实时情景动画。导演利用电影叙事能够唤起深刻的心里共鸣,阐释了“数字模拟”能够激发的惊人远景。电影提出了一个问题: 人工智能将如何改写我们关于自身意义存在的脚本?在第一章《圣杯研究》中,神经工程师王博士在他10岁的女儿茶丽丝的神经系统中安装了一个名为 BOB (“Bag of belief 信仰之袋”) 的实验性人工智能。为了引导茶丽丝在一个动荡的世界中成长,BOB逐渐代替茶丽丝来应对越来越多的冲突与变故,而茶丽丝相比之下却变得越来越无关紧要和逃避现实。随着时间推移,王博士开始逐渐更倾向于他女儿身上的BOB的一面。直到BOB威胁它可以代替茶丽丝,将她的生活过得比她更好时,茶丽丝想知道: 她身上的人类一面该何去何从?Ian Cheng's Life After BOB is an episodic * series built in the Unity game engine and presented live in real-time. Bridging the artist's interest in simulation's capacity to generate emergent surprising phenomena, with cinematic storytelling's capacity to evoke deep psychological truths, Life After BOB imagines a future world in which our minds are co-inhabited by AI entities. Life After BOB asks: How will life lived with AI transform the archetypal scripts that guide our sense of meaningful existence? In episode one - The Chalice Study - neural engineer Dr. Wong has installed an experimental AI named BOB ("Bag of Beliefs") into the nervous system of his 10-year-old daughter Chalice. Designed to guide Chalice through the challenges of growing up in a volatile world, BOB confronts more and more of the conflicts in Chalice's life on her behalf, while Chalice grows increasingly irrelevant and escapist. As Dr. Wong begins to f*or the BOB side of his daughter, and as BOB threatens to do the job of living Chalice's life better than she can, Chalice jealously wonders: what is left for her classic human self to do?