斯特勞布夫妻將詩人Franco Fortini的長詩《西奈之犬》(Cani del Sinai)透過詩人自己的讀詩與一些空鏡頭結合,希冀將詩意以「不加干涉」的方式呈現,邀觀眾進入詩的空間。 ----------------------------------------------- The film is a sort of presentation of Franco Fortini*s book *I Cani del Sinai*. Fortini, an Italian Jew, reads excerpts from the book about his alienation from Judai** and from the social relations around him, the rise of Fasci** in Italy, the anti-Arab attitude of European culture. The images, mostly a series of Italian landscape shots, provide a backdrop that highlights the meaning of the text. (Written by Fabrizio Sabidussi)